Friday, December 17, 2010

Silk scarf halter

I know that it's been a bit quiet at 'A Sow's Ear'. I've got four weeks to finish my PhD and I'm trying to resist all other distractions. However, after my trip to South Australia, I picked up a few things which almost make themselves.

I found a big silk scarf for $3 at an op-shop in a very funky purple and green pattern.

Tie around Genevieve and knot at the back.

I already had a few silver collar necklaces picked up in Melbourne for 50c each.

 It was just a matter of sewing one seam across the top and threading the necklace through.

The top's a bit revealing in the back area - I'll probably wear a singlet top underneath.

So there you go, a piece of upcycling which took less time than uploading the photos to this blog!

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